1846 Victoria Silver Fourpence Groat Coin In Near Mint To Mint Condition.
This is a high grade silver coin with sharp details. There is light toning starting to appear at the edges of this silver coin.
This coin comes in a plastic coin envelope.
The 1846 fourpence / groat is a coin struck in 0.925 silver by the Royal Mint. This coin went by a few different names, Fourpence, Groat, Fourpenny bit or Joey. Between 1836 and 1888 these coins were issued as currency coins. Maundy fourpence coins were also issued during these years.
The obverse features a young uncrowned bust of Queen Victoria facing left with her hair in bun and legend around. The reverse depicts a seated figure of Britannia facing right, with a trident in her left hand and shield with Union flag in the right. The denomination is around Britannia with the date in exergue.
This silver fourpence / groat had a mintage figure of 1,366,200.
You are buying the Silver Fourpence Groat coin in the pictures.